For Valuation Services
Subject property analysis for the consummate professional.

Greater efficiency.

Sales Transactions
Find similar properties that have recently sold to promptly assess the current value of your subject property.
Researched Properties and Listings
Easily check property details such as building and lot size, zoning regulations, and year of construction.
Ownership Information
Swiftly access individual property records to view ownership information for buildings surrounding the subject property.

Accurate analysis.

Lease Transactions
Search recent lease transactions to assess current market conditions. Easily review confirmed data fields versus estimated data fields.
Verified Tenant Information
Retrieve tenant rosters for nearby properties. Determine the pool of tenants in the specified area based on the current divisibility of the subject property.
Analytics and Peering
Examine current availability and vacancy rates, average rental rates, and leased square meter figures for a market or specific group of competing properties, and compare them to the subject property.